How To Make Your Laundry Room More Zen

Jan 30, 2023 | Custom Closets, Design Tips

If doing laundry is one of your least favorite household chores it may have something to do with how your laundry room is set up. A laundry room is a utilitarian space that serves a lot of functions, and if it is disorganized the whole process of doing laundry can seem like more of a chore than it should be. Let’s face it, you spend a lot of time in your laundry room, so why not make it a happy Zen space.

The tips and tricks outlined below can get you on your way to a more efficient laundry room.

Access You Space

The first step to making your laundry room more Zen is to clean out the space completely. Start by removing everything from the room, except the washer and dryer. An empty space will allow you to think about what functions you would like the room to serve. Additionally, it does not matter if it is a large designated laundry room, a small section of the basement, or just a closet in the hallway, any size space can be made more efficient and calm when all the items have a place of belonging.

Get A System

Once you have accessed your needs, an overall plan or organizing system for the room should established based on what functions the room is to serve. A Zen laundry room is set up into designated areas that serve a specific purpose. Areas can be set up for storage, folding, ironing and household cleaning supplies. There are many simple an easy solutions to streamline the process of laundry room organization. Make a note of what you want to see and need in your laundry room, and figure out where each of those things will fit.

Install Shelves

Shelves are one of the most effective storage solutions that help maximize space. Fit as many as possible on a single wall or above the washer and dryer. Store items that you use only a few times a year on the top shelf, and the ones you more frequently within easy reach. Make use of shelf dividers and storage containers to house laundry and cleaning supplies, sheets, towels or anything you might need.

Baskets And Bins

Once you have some shelves, try to set up get ahead of the mess, by placing like items in one area. Storage containers, baskets or bins can make it easy to divide and conquer. Set up separate containers for laundry supplies and other household cleaning products. Whatever you are looking to store will be easier to find if each of the bins are labelled for their use. If you like things to look a bit more orderly, you can use one single type of basket for a uniform look.

Clothes Sorting Area

Sorting laundry can take so much time. A sorting area with designated baskets to divide clothes by color or type will make the process more efficient. Place labels on the baskets so family members can easily toss in their belongings, so when it is time to throw in a load of laundry, the sorting is already done.

Drying Bar

A hanging rod or foldable clothesline should be added for items that cannot go into the dryer. The bar can be mounted on the room’s ceiling or under a shelf. The bar can also be helpful as a place to hang pressed shirts as you iron or a place to air dry jackets or bulky items.

Counter Space

If space allows, a counter can be added over the washing machine or next to the shelves for folding clothes. The folding station, will streamline the process of getting the clean clothes out of the dyer, into the basket and ready to put way. The counter can be a good place to keep a container for loose socks, lost gloves or a spare change.

Ironing Area

To keep your ironing gear handy and efficient, it makes senses to add a wall-mounted or foldable ironing board. It can be installed behind the door, or in an unused corner to free up floor space. The iron and other supplies can also be mounted and neatly tucked away for easy use.

Make It Cheery

Finally, a little bit a décor can go a long way. Although, this is not something that will make the room more functional, but adding your own personality to the space can make it Zen in a way that speaks to you. Any room can be brightened up with paint, colorful area rug and wall art. At the end of the day, you will be spending a lot of time washing, drying and folding, so why not do it in a space that makes you happy.