The constant battle to get your teenager to keep their room neat and organized is an argument that is probably heard in every household. While, it might not hold true for every teenager, but for most, a messy room and closet is a rite of passage that most children and their parents endure.
Let’s face it, our kids have busy lives, between school, sports, after school activities, and homework, no one wants the added chore of cleaning their rooms. Kids and teens accumulate more and more things from birthday and holiday gifts, sports equipment, sentimental items, clothes and dirty laundry; where is it all supposed to go? As your children grows it is natural for them to assert their independence and want more privacy and freedom to have their rooms as a private space without parents telling them how it should look.
Help Them Understand Organization
Most people, even teens, do not want a cluttered and disorganizing space. A cluttered room can create anxiety and unneeded stress in your teens lives. Their rooms may be stressing them out and making them less productive. With this in mind, your teen might be in the dark about organization and how it can help them be more productive in the long run. Looking at it in your child’s perspective is a start to understanding what they need to get organized. A custom designed closet can give them the tools and a guiding hand they need to be on the road to better organization and pride in their own space.
Make Their Space Work For Them
Even if you think their room or closet space is too small, a custom closet can make even the smallest spaces work efficiently. A closet designer can assess your teen’s closet, recommend the best use of space, and present them with a system that works just for them. They will also to take into account that your child’s needs will change as they grow, and boys and girls will require different things.
While boys and girls rooms require different organizational tools, every teen’s room can make use of their own space for laundry basket, a desk space, and shelving or draws to keep books, and school supplies. Hooks, shelves and hangers are great for keeping items off the floor. Sliding storage bins can provide easy accessibility for hobbies and personal items. A good closet design can provide all of this and more to create a space all their own, and get them on the road to learning organization.
Boys Will Be Boys
In a boy’s room, their closet might require more shelving for books, sports collectibles and video games, and less space for hanging clothing. This can be achieved by providing deep wire baskets, and shelving to accommodate their needs. Small closet drawers with dividers can be used to store chargers, remotes and paraphernalia. As they grow they may need a rack for belts and ties, and eventually, they may require a designated space for suits and dressy attire. Additionally, wall shelving can be installed to display hats, memorabilia, and framed pieces.
What A Girl Wants
For a teen girl, their needs might be different. Teen girls can have a lot of stuff! Clothing, make-up, perfume, letters, stuffed animals, jewelry, and pocketbooks can take up a lot of room. Spread out all over, it can become a cluttered mess. Giving them the tools for space management, where everything has a place of belonging, can give them the tools for organization.
Girls need room for longer hanging dresses and skirts, more space for sweaters, shoes, purses, and specific places for jewelry, and hair accessories. To handle the great quantities of accessories and jewelry, a drawer organizer and accessory board can provide storage space and promote neatness. Custom drawers with dividers can help separate smaller items and make-up.
Making It Personal
Any system for a teenager, boy or girl, should have the ability to change, because teenagers change from one year, to the next in their interests, style, associations, and preferences. A closet designer keeps this in mind. Their closet can be designed to provide flexibility to make changes as they grow. All things are possible with a bit of forethought and a view to long-range developments.
We know that it can be really hard to get a teenager to do something they don’t want to do. Personalizing their space can be a fun process. The end result of having a closet where they can open up the doors and see all of their clothing and belongings easily will give them a sense of pride, and save them time in the long run. The organization in their rooms can inspire them to set up systems for their lockers, school work, and other areas in their life. Parents and their teenage children fight over many things, but a clean closet doesn’t have to be one of them!