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Lots of great information on organizing your home and making the most of every space with Closet Engineers’ ideas. Start your journey to a clutter-free home and make the most of every bit of space.
5 Tricks to Utilizing Closet Space this Holiday Season
The holidays are coming, and they’re coming with a lot of friends, family, parties, decorations and presents. The problem is that the rest of life doesn’t slow down when the holidays approach, and that means that in order to get the most out of your holiday season,...
Clean Up Your Kitchen with These Closet Ideas
For the cook of the family, the kitchen is a haven of good smells and good eats. However the cleaner of the family can easily get pushed out with all the cans and cereals and ketchup bottles that have to be stored. They leave themselves wondering...but what about my...
Organize your Closet in Time for the Holidays
The holidays are a busy, bustling time for everyone. We dress up for Halloween, we stuff our faces on Thanksgiving, and we give gifts and celebrate family around Christmas time. And it all happens in a matter of weeks! With all these changing of decorations and...
7 Closet Ideas to Make Getting Ready for School a Breeze
Getting your kid ready for school in the morning can be a headache, let alone getting three kids ready for school! It’s enough trouble just trying to wake everyone in your household up, but the feeding, grooming, and dressing process can really add some serious time...
6 Custom Closet Ideas to Clean up your Child’s Playroom
Once your family begins to grow...and grow...and grow, the mess unfortunately seems to grow with it. Cleaning is put on the back burner as you race around to daycare and soccer practice and student teacher conferences. But what if keeping your house and especially...
5 Creative Closet Organizers for your College Dorm Room
Living in a college dorm room can at times be challenging, to say the least. You may be paired up with a roommate you’ve known all your life, or perhaps you went potluck and are rooming with a complete stranger. Whatever your situation might be, the undeniable fact is...